Tips to choose the right business loans for small businesses

 There are plenty of ideas to become a successful entrepreneur. However, ideas alone will never turn dreams into reality. The “Fund for Business” is the most essential ingredient. Every businessman is aware of the fact that “It needs money to earn money”! Not every person is born rich. Even some of the young rich men are of the pride to stand on their own. Therefore, the next option is to borrow money. The young entrepreneurs being new in the field find it difficult to choose the right loan. Here are some tips to choose the right business loans for small businesses.

Loan amount

Be specific about the loan amount. Fix a clear number. Have a fair idea of how much liquid fund is needed. Also, it is equally important to be realistic and flexible. The loan providers check on the growth and potential of the business. Also, it is essential to choose the right lender, If the amount lent is too small, it may not suffice the needs of the business.

SME loans

Go for SME loans. If the business of the entrepreneur is small, it is good to go with SME loans. SME is a Small to Medium Enterprise. The SME loans for new businesses are collateral-free. These loans shall easily be availed by small businesses and also at an affordable rate of interest. It demands less paperwork. They are best suited for women entrepreneurs, small business owners, and start-up owners. They help in investing in the infrastructure of the firm, installing new machinery. Meet working capital and pay for overheads.

Loans from NBFC

NBFCs are Non-Banking Financing Companies. In India, it is essential for these companies to register themselves under the Companies Act. As compared to banks the loans provided by the non-banking financial companies in India are relaxed. Their loan sanction processes are quicker as compared to the banks. They offer flexible terms and conditions. They offer a wide range of customized loans. In India, the loans from NBFC are linked to PLR (Prime Lending Rate). This provides them greater freedom in setting rates based on customer demands. Lately, the role of NBFC in the country has increased. This is mainly because the banks are loaded with bad loans and non-performing assets. The flow of non-banking resources to the corporate sector in India has increased by 43% in the financial year 2020-21. This has been achieved by a handful of financial companies who hold the place of top nbfc companies in India. Bottom line, things are changing and NBFC is the safest place to get loans to start a business.

Modes of Disbursal

Generally, business loans come in two modes. They are installment loans and lines of credit. In installment loans, the entire loan amount is credited into the bank account of the borrower. On the other hand, the line of credit business loan u


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